Sunday, April 18, 2010

I remember when...

This weekend started with a wonderful walk to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  Casey and I participated and the weather was perfect.  It was not too hot, like last year, and it was breezy.  We cruised along and I couldn't help but notice all of the kids this year.  I can always tell the CF kids from the healthy kids because CF kids (as well as adults are always super skinny).  I found myself looking at every kid as we passed by.  They were acting like kids, running along the wall surrounding Duke's east campus.  Girls teasing the boys, and vice versa.  I saw so many petite little blond girls walking this year.  Every time I passed one I thought, "I remember when that was me."  The nasal sounding voice, the skinny legs, the blond hair--all me about 25 years ago.  Every time I passed one I took a second and thought, "God please let these girls AND little boys grow up like I was able to".  If there isn't a cure soon the reality is some of these kids won't.  It's hard to think back to a time when I was this tiny, but it wasn't long ago.  So, please say a little prayer that these kids grow up tall, strong, and healthy.  I know these are the things I wished for as a short blond kid with skinny legs and  a terrible cough.  God willing we will beat this disease.  Let it be any day now.

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