Thursday, April 15, 2010

10 years ago today...

I was getting married.  Wow!  I can't believe it's been 10 years, yet I can't believe it's only been 10 years.  We've gone through so much in 10 years.  Let's see, Dana gets incredibly sick on the honeymoon, Dana goes into ICU for 2 months, Dana recovers enough to be listed for a lung transplant, Dana, Casey, and Dana's mom move to NC, Dana gets her transplant, Dana gets incredibly sick, Dana stays in ICU for 2 months, Dana recovers and goes home.  Okay, kids, that all happened in the first year of our marriage!  I figure if my man can deal with that he can deal with ANYTHING!  Life's been nicer to us in the years following that one.  I've done relatively well and Casey has been inching his way up the career ladder at Duke.  We've been fortunate enough to have lived in two neat houses.  We're almost done with the newest one.  Casey blew me away with his handyman skills.  There's not a room in here that hasn't been touched by him.  Plumbing, electrical, flooring....the list goes on.  Oh, and he can hang a picture like nobody's business. :)  I'm a lucky girl.  Not because of all of the handyman skills and the houses or any of that really.  Just because, Casey is a good guy with a good heart and he makes me laugh every day.  Even when I'm mad at him I can't stay that way long.  I don't believe in actual 'soulmates' but I'm glad the universe introduced us.  We fit.  I'm wishing for at least 10 more years with this guy.

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