Sunday, April 18, 2010

I remember when...

This weekend started with a wonderful walk to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  Casey and I participated and the weather was perfect.  It was not too hot, like last year, and it was breezy.  We cruised along and I couldn't help but notice all of the kids this year.  I can always tell the CF kids from the healthy kids because CF kids (as well as adults are always super skinny).  I found myself looking at every kid as we passed by.  They were acting like kids, running along the wall surrounding Duke's east campus.  Girls teasing the boys, and vice versa.  I saw so many petite little blond girls walking this year.  Every time I passed one I thought, "I remember when that was me."  The nasal sounding voice, the skinny legs, the blond hair--all me about 25 years ago.  Every time I passed one I took a second and thought, "God please let these girls AND little boys grow up like I was able to".  If there isn't a cure soon the reality is some of these kids won't.  It's hard to think back to a time when I was this tiny, but it wasn't long ago.  So, please say a little prayer that these kids grow up tall, strong, and healthy.  I know these are the things I wished for as a short blond kid with skinny legs and  a terrible cough.  God willing we will beat this disease.  Let it be any day now.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Two dorks=True Love

10 years ago today...

I was getting married.  Wow!  I can't believe it's been 10 years, yet I can't believe it's only been 10 years.  We've gone through so much in 10 years.  Let's see, Dana gets incredibly sick on the honeymoon, Dana goes into ICU for 2 months, Dana recovers enough to be listed for a lung transplant, Dana, Casey, and Dana's mom move to NC, Dana gets her transplant, Dana gets incredibly sick, Dana stays in ICU for 2 months, Dana recovers and goes home.  Okay, kids, that all happened in the first year of our marriage!  I figure if my man can deal with that he can deal with ANYTHING!  Life's been nicer to us in the years following that one.  I've done relatively well and Casey has been inching his way up the career ladder at Duke.  We've been fortunate enough to have lived in two neat houses.  We're almost done with the newest one.  Casey blew me away with his handyman skills.  There's not a room in here that hasn't been touched by him.  Plumbing, electrical, flooring....the list goes on.  Oh, and he can hang a picture like nobody's business. :)  I'm a lucky girl.  Not because of all of the handyman skills and the houses or any of that really.  Just because, Casey is a good guy with a good heart and he makes me laugh every day.  Even when I'm mad at him I can't stay that way long.  I don't believe in actual 'soulmates' but I'm glad the universe introduced us.  We fit.  I'm wishing for at least 10 more years with this guy.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


So far in this new decade there have been too many losses. I know that death is inevitable; believe me I KNOW. It comes at you fast or it can come at you slowly. Either way it comes. It takes the people and the creatures that we love. Today it came and took my beautiful sister-in-law's mother. She fought her fight, the nasty fight with breast cancer, and unfortunately she lost. I feel her pain for losing a mother too soon. I feel the pain for every child or adult who's lost a mother too soon. Our mothers are the vessels for which we landed on this planet. They were once our life force. The inevitable has come too soon for this woman, a woman who tonight is simply a motherless child. That is the title she's taken for this moment. I am feeling so grateful right now to know that my mother is safe, healthy, and secure. I pray that as 2010 goes on it is kinder to everyone I love. I also pray that hope lifts those for whom it will not be kind to.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

You're in a good, good place

Those were the words my doctor said to me today. Today was my follow up appointment from when I had my bronch, which was very complicated. Remember, with bleeding (lots), a finding of staph, and the high fever. Well, I recovered--thank goodness. Dr. P was very happy that my pulmonary function tests were back up and back to normal. He looked at me, smiled and said, "You're in a good, good place considering you're nearly 10 years out". I feel so very fortunate right now. Taking care of my body has been my full-time job for sooooo long and it's nice to know that it's paying me for all of my hard work. Now, if I could just get the pesky sinuses to fall into line. Of course, I couldn't do any of this without those special lungs--the ones that were put into my body and have decided (for the moment) that they really like being in there. I promise, dear lungs taken from another, to always treat you well. Physically you reside by my heart and spiritually you reside in my heart. That's all, just blissful for life and the life that is regifted everyday.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Frankie says relax

Isn't that a great song? That's exactly what I'm doing today--relaxing. There's nothing pressing to do at this moment and I must admit I'm still in bed at 11:30am with my kitty, Mia, beside me. The windows are open and the fresh air and sunlight are rushing in. It's a really beautiful day in my neighborhood, Mr. Rogers. :) I love, love, love days like this. The next two weeks are going to be busy, busy so I'm chilling while I can. All through my life I have found I have two speeds, frantically rushing around and too lazy to move. Considering I'm still in my pjs and lying in the bed, I'd say it's a too lazy to move day. :) No apologies, though.

Ahh, the weekend is finally here. This was a long week--wasn't it? I look forward to spending time with the hubs and having Easter dinner with friends---they are the best cooks! I had to, of course, go out yesterday to buy an Easter outfit. A long white eyelet skirt, pastel patterned cap-sleeved shirt, and gladiator sandals. Very Spring and all from Old Navy and under $80. Also, on the agenda is yet another trip to IKEA. I think I know this place backwards and forwards now. We have to return some things and look into a gas cooktop. Oh, by the way, my husband is considering hooking the gas to the cooktop himself! Help! He's very determined AND stubborn. He really can do anything it sets his mind, too, but messing with explosive gas! I need to get my affairs in order--HA!

Well, I've got to get back to my lounging. :) I feel a nap coming on--yawn! Zzzzzzzzzzzz.... Everyone enjoy the holiday and stay well.