Sunday, February 28, 2010

What a month!

I haven't posted in quite a long time I see. February was an interesting month. The beginning started off great with the big move to the new place. We were sleeping on an air mattress on the floor but we didn't care; we were finally home. Casey's (the hubby) mom can up from South Carolina to help us with the many, many tasks involved with whipping this house into shape. She's a master at all things related to the house. Painting and decorating are her specialities. She's also a huge help when it comes to organizing and cleaning. She works so hard and she has been an amazing help to us. I am very fortunate to have such an understanding and reliable mother-in-law. Not to mention she spoils us terribly with new things for the house. You should see our bedroom, I feel like I could spend most of my day in there. Well, I have been lately.

Patty (the mom-in-law) has been with us now for 3 weeks. In that time we've gotten a lot accomplished. Let's see, all except two little rooms (laundry and 1/2 bath) have been painted, a chair recovered, furniture moved, boxes unpacked, bathrooms scrubbed, lighting wired, etc, etc, etc. I must admit I'm getting kinda overloaded with "house". I was very into getting everything in ship shape, as I am a true perfectionist and like everything to be just so. I feel chaotic when things are everywhere and projects are unfinished. Life is funny, though, just as I start to feel the pressure of all of the things yet to be done--and believe me with my Type A mindframe I was feeling the pressure--I got sick.

So, I wasn't sick sick. I had gone in for my bronchoscopy--the procedure I must endure to see if my transplanted lungs are rejecting--and it was not routine. First of all, I hadn't had one (thankfully) in nearly 8 years. I have a terrible issue with bleeding. It's something my doctor and I both knew going in but decided to proceed anyway, just to be sure things were okay. Well, everything started out fine. Sedation, check, throat numbing spray, check, pediatric scope to go down that little throat, check. I wasn't fully sedated so I could hear the doc. The bleeding had started. Ugh! Skip to an hour later. Doc says "No more bronchs for you unless there's an extreme problem." I agree. So, all is fine immediately afterwards. Later that night, though, I had a really high fever and I don't get high fevers. Turns out the procedure caused an infection--ugh--and for the next 2 days I felt absolutely awful. I took a week off from working and rested.

Well that rest and the resting I continue to do was a sign. It made me realize that I don't really have to sweat the small stuff. While a house and all of the duties that go along with owning a house are important, they are certainly small potatoes in comparison to my health. I have to remember Rome wasn't built in a day. This house won't be 'finished' in a week, or a month, or probably 6 months. So what! As long as I'm here to see it transform that's all that matters. I know I can't change my Type A mentality but I also know that life is fleeting and I need to just 'be' for now. Ahh, as I sit here on the bed with my little kitty, Mia (who has mastered the art of justing "being") I feel relaxed. I know there are a thousand things I 'need' to do, but there always is. That won't change.

I am happy in my lovely home, after all I have a home. I am happy that I am on the mend from being sick. I am happy to have such a wonderful husband and mother-in-law who have forged on as I sit back and watch it all. I am happy right in this moment. We'll see what tomorrow brings when the 1st day of March arrives. Thanks, February 2010, for bringing me a life lesson.

Monday, February 8, 2010

New house, new sinus infection

Oh my God, it never fails when I need to do a thousand things my sinuses say, "I don't think so!". I had a great day on Saturday, I packed up our entire apartment by myself (Casey was responsibly for loading it all and unpacking it all). My sinuses were acting up a little but that's status quo these days. We got unpacked and settled in by about 8pm on Saturday night. Well, by then we were ready to go to bed! All of our furniture is packed in Pods so no real bed. We had to blow up the trusty ol' air mattress and, boy, was that an enjoyable sleep--NOT! Imagine--2 adults plus 2 cats on a twin size inflatable mattress that seems to slowly leak air. Plus, for some reason we only put a sheet and thin blanket on. Casey and I both woke up shivering but we were both too lazy to get up and get something warmer. So Sunday rolls around and the list of things to do is soooo long. Plus, my sinus situation has taken a turn for the worse. I'm blowing, sneezing, and the drainage in my throat is unbearable. Casey is busy as can be installing our dishwasher all day---he is such a perfectionist that he took it out 3 times (!) just to make sure it was absolutely perfect and flush with the counters. I thought I had OCD!!! I was not a ton of help because I was feeling so crappy! I ended up falling asleep around 7:30 only to wake up around 11pm wide awake. Don't you hate when that happens? This morning I felt like my head was going to explode. I irrigated my sinuses (like I do every day, 3 times a day now) and all I could think was, "Gotta call Tracie". Tracie is my lung transplant coordinator at Duke. I called, she called in Levaquin. Here's hoping it knocks this infection out. It usually does. Knocking on wood!!! I can't be sick right now. There's a big Ikea trip planned for Wednesday. We're getting every last thing we need to finish up this house! Yay! So I've got to feel better. :(

Life is the new house is neat. It's been 4 long months since we've been in an actual house. This area is so quiet. Our house backs up to Duke Forest and at night (we don't have blinds on the windows yet) it's really neat to look out and see so many stars. Our neighbors are extremely nice, too. In our old neighborhood no one was that personable, and we lived there for 6 years! Our new neighborhood is a cul-de-sac and we literally have 4 neighbors in it. It's funny I just noticed there are two different mailmen that come by. ??? Is one for even numbers and one for odd numbers? Interesting. I'm currently waiting for UPS to deliver our fancy German cooktop that Casey insisted on having. Our kitchen is completely European. Well, maybe except the appliances. I'm also waiting for the delivery of a Pod (storage trailer). I've been waiting all day! I haven't even taken a shower in fear that I will miss one of them. Was that TMI? :) They were both supposed to be here before noon. Well, it's 2:10 right now. WTF? I'll keep waiting. I'm so incredibly bored, though. The cable is not hooked up so all I can do is surf the web, oh and buy stuff for the house (I'll tell Casey about it later). :)

Well, better go the laundry is beeping. That is the one thing that is keeping me busy--housework. Fun! So glad the sun is out and that I have a Levaquin script waiting for me at Kroger.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Could it be???

Well, it looks as though we may be able to move into our new house this weekend! Yay! Everything major should be done by Friday afternoon. I know now that I've said this AND written it there will be some snag, but I'm remaining optimistic. Life in the new house will not be too glamourous at first. Only one bathroom with a sink and shower to use. No cooktop and no oven. Casey will have to work overtime this weekend to get the dishwasher hooked up and ready! Oh, and the washer and dryer. Luckily the fridge is installed and ready to go. Thinking of all of the details that still have to be addressed make my head spin, but it's nothing to fret over. Just life and a fortunate one at that.

I've been feeling pretty good this week. I've only worked a couple of days so far this week. My pals, Laura Mish and Florence were out of school since today. Well, Florence doesn't go to school she has tutors. We all hope that she gets there (with an assistant) next school year. This girl is so determined to learn and be like all the other kids her age. She's remarkable! I love that kid!

Anyway, this week has been a breeze. The snowy roads kept me in. I worked on (along with Aaron) getting the Lung Transplant Foundation on Facebook and Twitter. Wow, the response we've had! It's so incredible. It's hard to communicate to people how prevalent chronic rejection of transplanted lungs is AND how there's really NO way to prevent it OR stop it once it's started. People always say, "but there's so much medical technology". We need specific research targeted for chronic rejection of the lungs. The Lung Transplant Foundation's main agenda is to do that. Sorry, I go on and on but this is such an important cause for me and the hundreds of people I know facing the same future.

I'm excited about the Superbowl this weekend. This should be a great game. Go Colts! I am a huge Peyton Manning fan. I also loved their old coach, Tony Dungey. So I'm rooting for Indianapolis but I must admit it would be a great victory for the Saints. Casey and I will be hanging out with pals Aaron and Kellie. They always make the best food and on Sunday they're making chili and cornbread. Yum!

There's more snow predicted for Saturday. Ugh, I love an occasional snow but I am hoping it passes by. I'm ready for the sun to stick around. Until the next blog..