Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow, snow, NOOOO!

Normally I love the snow. We don't get that much in North Carolina so any that we see during a winter is nice. However, this snow couldn't have come at a worse time. All of our house renovations have been pushed back by a few days. The flooring guy was supposed to work through the weekend--that didn't happen. The countertop guys were suppose to start on Monday--that won't happen. So, it's just another delay for us getting into our house. Ugh! Casey was determined to get to our house yesterday so he decided to walk. In the 4 inches of snow! The apartment where we're staying is about a mile and a half from our new house. He made it okay. He packed a backpack of 'rations' and set off. I felt a little like Ma from Little House on the Prairie as he left. :) He was able to drive over this morning and that's where he is now and will be for some hours to come. I must say he is a very determined man and I'm very fortunate that he is so handy and patient with all of this house craziness. I feel a little guilty about not going with him but I really needed a rest.

Last week was hectic. I worked a lot. I'm a part-time nanny for a 4 year old and sometimes her 6 year old sister. Florence, has a few health challenges just like me. She has yet to be officially diagnosed, despite trips to several medical centers--even one in Montreal, Canada! All the doctors know for sure is that she has some type of auto-immune disease. When I first met her she was not talking or walking or interacting much at all. In December she started a procedure called plasmapheresis, this procedure helps to cleanse and recirculate her blood. The procedure has worked wonders! She is now able to walk, talk (although not as well as an average 4 year old), and play. It is so nice to see her improving. This little girl is a trooper! She never asks for help and doesn't want any special attention. I think this is true for every kid (or adult) suffering from a chronic disease. We don't want to be singled out!

Over the weekend I started feeling a little worn out. I always feel worn out when too much is going on. Work, the house, working on the website for the LTF, and just everyday stuff have taken a little toll on me. It's nothing new. When I start to feel this way I always have to 'drop out' for a day or two. I'm very fortunate that I can do this. I don't have any kids and my husband is incredibly understanding. Usually 'dropping out' means that I don't plan anything. I rest, rest, and rest some more. This weekend was the perfect opportunity to do this. Yesterday, I spent most of the day in my pjs while looking online for decorating ideas. Very low stress. Today, I took a looonnngg nap with my kitty, exercised a little--aerobic, of course, watched some HGTV, and now I'm blogging. Just this two days of chilling out have restored me. On Friday I had a seriously stuffy nose, low-grade fever, and some aches. Today, while I still have some nose issues, my fever is gone as are my aches.

My bronchoscopy was rescheduled from tomorrow, Feb 1 to Monday, Feb 22. While I was ready to get it over with, it seems to have worked out since I know we will have icy roads tomorrow. I really didn't want to have to go out that early anyway. 7:30am--yikes! I am a little relieved, too, because Dr. P doesn't seem in an urgent rush which I take to mean he's not super worried about a case of rejection. My PFTs have increased a little now that I'm getting back into regular exercise. I'm going to keep it up for sure!!!

I'm feeling ready for the week ahead. I think. Hopefully we'll be moving in to the new house this coming weekend. Crossing my fingers!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dana---

    If you're ever feeling like that, and having one of those "rest" days...please let me know if there's anything you need. Even if you just need something from the store, but don't want to go out, I'd be happy to get it for you, or help you out with anything else you needed. Or something for the LTF...either way, don't hesitate to ask.
