Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's a Tuesday, not Wednesday

I woke up this morning and could have sworn it was Wednesday. No, just Tuesday. There's a lot going on this week and I guess I'm trying to hurry it along. For starters we hope to be moving into our new house by Sunday. The floors are being put in as I write and after that there's only countertops to place in the kitchen and bathroom. Whew, we've been in our apartment for 3 1/2 months now. I must admit, though, apartment living is not at all that bad. I did, however, wake up at 5:30am today to hear a college girl balling her eyes out as it sounded like she and her boyfriend were breaking up. Yes, it was 5:30am, and yes I was nosy and listened until about 5:45am. Oh drama!

I've started exercising again--I needed that kick in the pants by everyone! It felt good and I feel very alert now. Mornings are always so hard for me, I've never been a 'morning person' but I think working out in the morning will help energize me (along with that strong cup of coffee I always have). Tracie, my lung transplant coordinator, called yesterday and gave me my lab results from last Thursday appointment. All was well in that department. She scheduled my bronchoscopy for Feb. 1st, so we'll see what that shows. If there is a problem or something shows up in the biopsy than I'll have an appointment that following Thursday.

Well not much more to say today. I'm getting ready to go hang out with my little buddy, Florence. She is the little girl I keep for a great family in Durham. She's quite an inspiration. I'll have to blog a little about her on another day.

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